Nigella sativa also called black cumin is a widely used medicinal plant throughout the world. This plant is well known in different types of traditional systems of medicine like Unani and Tibb, Ayurveda, and Siddha. Seeds and oil of nigella sativa have a long history of folklore usage in various systems of medicines and food. Black cumin oil is extracted from the seeds of Nigella Sativa or Kalonji, a plant that comes of Asian origin in the Ranunculaceae family. Kalonji also called Nigella sativa or black cumin belongs to the buttercup family of flowering plants.
What is Black Cumin Seeds Whole?
There are two different spices that can be called “black cumin.” The one we’re talking about is the more common Nigella sativa. (The other one is called Bunium bulbocastanum.) Nigella sativa looks almost like large pepper seeds and can be eaten straight from the package or cooked.
Originally from South Asia and the Mediterranean, black cumin seeds were not only in India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; they were found in King Tut’s tomb and written about in the Bible Their benefits have been celebrated for thousands of years. Some people use them to help combat allergies, pain, or inflammation. Others might be impressed by the array of studies that show black cumin supports liver health and may have anti-cancer properties. Black seed oil is derived from these seeds and can be used topically as well as internally.
Black cumin seeds grow out of an herb that is a member of the parsley family, and they have hints of parsley mixed with fennel in their flavor. They do contain copper, zinc, iron, healthy fats, protein, and a little carbohydrate. But since it’s recommended to only have 1/2-2 teaspoons of black cumin seeds per day, the amount of those things you get is very small.

Health Benefits of Black Cumin Seeds Whole?
1. Packed with Antioxidants
Our Organic Black Cumin Seeds Whole is loaded with antioxidants. These antioxidants are substances that neutralize harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to cells.
2. Enhance the immune system
Black cumin seeds enhance the immune system by increasing defenses and general well-being. It also works as an excellent tonic after a period of recuperation, and also in times of stress. It also helps in preventing seasonal ailments.
3. May have inflammatory properties
Some studies have found that our black cumin seeds whole and their active components could help reduce markers of inflammation.
4. May support digestive health
Our Organic Black Cumin Seed Whole may help promote overall digestive health. It’s not just black cumin seed whole but also black cumin seed oil both of them are highly beneficial for health.
How to use Black Cumin Seed Whole?
Be sure to remember that black cumin is not at all like cumin. The seeds are milder in flavor and a little more like black pepper. You might find them in naan bread in India, or used in a stir fry in the Middle East. They are often used in curries, lentil dishes, as a garnish on vegetables, or even in pastries.
Try black cumin seeds on steamed or stir-fried vegetables, sprinkled on fish with lemon, or in an omelet instead of black pepper. Experiment with it in a grilled cheese sandwich, or on top of a slaw. It’s not only good in naan bread, it also works with focaccia and other types of bread as well. If you’re daring, try it in a cookie recipe, because the fennel notes work well with both savory and sweet dishes.

If the product does not already come in an air-tight container, then store our organic black seeds whole in an opaque or glass airtight container away from direct light or heat. Make sure the area is cool and dry. Being a strong aromatic spice, ensure that the lid is tightly closed to retain the freshness of the spice.
The Bottom Line
Black Cumin Seed Whole is a powerful herbal ingredient associated with a variety of health and beauty benefits. It’s also versatile, affordable, and widely available at most pharmacies and health stores, making it a great ingredient to have on hand. If you’ve ever tried cumin seeds whole before, share your recipe with us in the ‘Submit your recipe’ section. We’d love to hear them.